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    Reduca Statue Start talking, because we're listening.
  • Invest in the future for less than a bottle of milk

    Milk Bottles

    If you live in Perth's southern metropolitan suburbs, you pay only $2 a week more to have your rubbish processed at the Regional Resource Recovery Centre in Canning Vale, instead of buried in landfill.

    We think the extra $2 is worth it, do you?

    Start talking, because we're listening.
  • Invest in the drive to stop climate change

    Car made out of recyclables

    If you live in Perth's southern metropolitan suburbs, you pay only $2 a week more to prevent the pollution from 60,000 cars reaching the atmosphere every year.

    We think your fresh air is worth it, do you?

    Start talking, because we're listening.
  • Invest in a cleaner neighbourhood

    A doctor's Stethascope

    If you live in Perth's southern metropolitan suburbs, you pay only $2 a week more to invest in sustainable waste management solutions for your community.

    We think your community is worth it, do you?

    Start talking, because we're listening.
  • Invest in the seeds of our future

    A ring of daisy flowers

    If you live in Perth's southern metropolitan suburbs, you pay only $2 a week more to help protect our unspoiled landscape and easy lifestyle for future generations.

    We think your children are worth it, do you?

    Start talking, because we're listening.
  • Invest in sustainability today

    Clearing the air:

    is about sharing news and views on waste management in an open and transparent way.

    Clearing the air:

    is about keeping you informed on how, why, how and where your rubbish is processed.

    Clearing the air:

    is a channel for engineers, scientists, and other experts to talk about the latest eco-smart solutions.

    A ring of daisy flowers
    its good to talk so let's start clearing the air
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February 10, 2009. 09:08pm Blog Entry Title
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit neque, varius vel, interdum sollicitudin, tincidunt et, velit. Vivamus in libero. Sed fermentum nulla quis ligula.

Phasellus in lectus. Nulla sem. Suspendisse euismod libero sit amet nulla. Mauris sollicitudin, nibh nec iaculis ultrices, mauris odio hendrerit elit, eget ornare urna ante at nulla. Phasellus lorem mi, ornare nec, vehicula eget, adipiscing in, magna. Mauris eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam imperdiet.

Quisque libero. Nulla lacinia purus eu diam. Morbi accumsan dolor ut quam. Nulla a urna. Nam augue. Morbi imperdiet posuere felis. Etiam varius, nulla ut euismod porta, diam nunc suscipit diam, quis aliquet dui nisl eget tortor. Mauris luctus vulputate diam. Duis in arcu. Aenean lacinia suscipit nibh. Aenean eu nisl a mi tincidunt tristique.

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February 10, 2009. 09:08pm Blog Entry Title Longer Text Title with A few More Words

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit neque, varius vel, interdum sollicitudin, tincidunt et, velit. Vivamus in libero. Sed fermentum nulla quis ligula.

Phasellus in lectus. Nulla sem. Suspendisse euismod libero sit amet nulla. Mauris sollicitudin, nibh nec iaculis ultrices, mauris odio hendrerit elit, eget ornare urna ante at nulla. Phasellus lorem mi, ornare nec, vehicula eget, adipiscing in, magna. Mauris eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam imperdiet.

Quisque libero. Nulla lacinia purus eu diam. Morbi accumsan dolor ut quam. Nulla a urna. Nam augue. Morbi imperdiet posuere felis. Etiam varius, nulla ut euismod porta, diam nunc suscipit diam, quis aliquet dui nisl eget tortor. Mauris luctus vulputate diam. Duis in arcu. Aenean lacinia suscipit nibh. Aenean eu nisl a mi tincidunt tristique.

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SMRC Delivering sustainable waste management solutions

The SMRC is a statutory local government authority established by 7 local Councils in the southern part of metropolitan Perth. It is responsible for developing environmentally sustainable waste management solutions and climate change abatement measures for the communities of Canning, Cockburn, East Fremantle, Fremantle, Kwinana, Melville and Rockingham.

For more info please continue reading

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